Ausstellung »Consequences|Konsequenzen« in der Galerie ›art at the lemon tree‹ in Aberdeen (GB)


Eine Fotoarbeit aus der Serie »nacht-raum« von Martin Rosner wird bei der Gemeinschaftsausstellung »Consequences|Konsequenzen« in der Galerie ›art at the lemon tree‹ in Aberdeen (GB) gezeigt.

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The Lemon Tree
5 West North Street, Aberdeen AB24 5AT

Ausstellung »Consequences|Konsequenzen« in der Galerie ›art at the lemon tree‹ in Aberdeen (GB)

»… The exhibition is based on the parlour game of the same name in which players write in turn on a sheet of paper, fold it to conceal part of the writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution, and the drawing game technique invented by The Surrealists, ‚Exquisite Corpse‘.

Nine artists are exhibiting, four from Aberdeen that have been paired with four from one of Aberdeens twinned cities Regensburg and artwork by Aberdeen based Alison Watson. The artists were paired due to their similarity in working method and style. They were asked to give their partner artist a word to inspire the creation of their artwork, the word could be anything they chose, poetic, mundane or bizarre! Alison Watson’s artwork is inspired by a culmination of all the words and phrases.

The Aberdeen based artists are Margaret Stewart, Annette Bruton, Gudrun Bombosch, Sandra McKay and Alison Watson.
The artists from Regensburg are Susanne Gatzka, Bernhard Hagner, Martin Rosner and Jutta Kohlbeck …«

(Pressetext des Veranstalters)

Freitag bis Sonntag 11.30 Uhr – 15.00 Uhr

08.07. – 29.08.2010

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Aberdeen, the lemon tree
»Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung 2010« in Regensburg
Ausstellung »Martin Rosner | Fotografie 1990–2010« in der Stadtgalerie ›Alte Feuerwache‹ im Stadtmuseum Amberg

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